I began like uploader in 2005 in a forum uploading material like doujin and small mangas, over the years began to share big archives and to being part of other forums, in 2012 I turn 7 years as to uploader and I hope to follow more time with you to continue to carry the world of hentai to you.
Hentai Night
This site beginning in 2007 with other names but to problems was eliminated, in November of 2009 began the history of Hentai Night, had been almost 2 years and goes by more.
In Hentai Night you will find material related to the erotic world of anime is only for people over 18 years (21 in some countries). Mangas, Doujins and CG’s.All downloads are in RAR, to extract only need the program WinRAR.
The site is built to open in IE 7, Firefox 3 and Opera 9 and a resolution of 1440×900, but with a minimum resolution of 1024×768 you see no problem.
Thanks and greetings to all users.
Atte. The administrator (tenchi20)